
When the Supreme Court makes a decision against something that Democratic Party voters want, the Democratic Party shrugs and says there’s nothing they can do. When the Supreme Court makes a decision against something that the Republican Party voters want, the Republicans ignore the decision and do whatever they want, and the Democratic Party shrugs and says there’s nothing they can do.

Does the Supreme Court matter or not?

If this were Colombia or Venezuela acting up to this degree, their leader would be dead. A governor countermanding the US Supreme Court and taking control of a unit of the US military for his own purposes is seditious and can be legally “taken out” (whatever you want that to mean) by “Seal Team 6” or the CIA or some other tool of violence that the US federal government proudly uses to threaten other countries.

The whole situation with immigrants is ridiculous — these are the very people who we need to be here illegally so they can keep our economy going without being paid as much as a legal worker. Rather than being some kind of threat, they are essential workers. The absurdity isn’t important, though; it is the hypocrisy that matters.

The Democrats are made of hypocrisy, and the point of that hypocrisy is to let conservatives win. If the Supreme Court matters, then Greg Abbot must be ended — not necessarily killed, but ended. It’s that simple. If the Supreme Court does not matter — well, there are many different interesting potential implications, such as the dissolution of the United States of America, or just passively allowing the country to slide into fascism. In any case, there is no “rule of law” — there’s only the supremacy of violence. Moreover, it is the Democrats failure to stand up for themselves that made this moment inevitable — Republicans know that Democrats will not fight back, so to win, all they have to do is fight. Why would they not fight under those conditions? They would have to not want to win, which is a weird psychological problem that only Democrats seem to possess.

When they go low, we shrug and let them win.


Democrats love to talk about how violence doesn’t work. It’s working great for Republicans right now. I bet it continues to work. Democrats can be defeated — made irrelevant, in fact — by Republicans simply having little temper tantrums, and using those tantrums to just keep moving the standards of normalcy further to the right. Are Democrats too lazy and complacent to stop them or is their opposition to Republicans performative? I’m guessing the latter because the rich have spoken and they simply do not mind the idea of a far-right America; they are completely fine with that.

Related: Scared of another Trump presidency? Billionaires suggest you calm down.